tisdag, juni 13, 2006

Eddie Izzard explains...

Hur Engelbert Humperdinck fick sitt namn.

"And Engelbert Humperdinck! Yes, he was the man. That's not his real name; he's from Britain, but that's not his name. There's very few Humperdincks in Britain. He was born Gerry Dorsey, not Engelbert Humperdinck. His parents were not Mr and Mrs Humperdinck. They never said:

"We shall call him Engelbert!"

"Good, that'll work!"

No, his name was Gerry Dorsey, and he released songs as Gerry Dorsey, songs such as... (Eddie mumbles...) wich didn't work 'cause nobody could hear what he was saying. And then his managers, obviously, said:

"We're going to change your name, Gerry! It's the name that's the problem."

And his name changed from Gerry Dorsey to Engelbert Humperdinck. I mean, I just wanted to be in the room when they were working that one through.

"Zingelbert Bembledack! Yingybert Dambleban! Zangelbert Bingledack! Wingelbert Humptyback! Slut Bunwalla!"


"Allright, Kringelbert Fishtybuns! Steviebuns Bottritrundle..."

"No, Gerry Dorsey, I like Gerry Dorsey!"

"No, we can't do it... Who we got? Zingelbert Bembledack, Tringelback Wangledack, Slut Bunwalla, Klingybun Fistlevase, Dindlebert Zindledack, Gerry Dorsey, Engelbert Humptyback, Zengelbert Bingledack, Engelbert Humperdinck, Vingelbert Wingeldanck..."

"No, no, go back one. Go back one. "Engelbert Humperdinck." "That's it."

Monologen är ur Dress to Kill från 1999 av och med Eddie Izzard



Blogger Lotta said...

Oslagbart !!!

tisdag, juni 13, 2006 9:51:00 em  
Blogger Maria said...

Ja - Slut Bunwalla är bäst! Vi måste ha en Eddiekväll snart!

tisdag, juni 20, 2006 9:56:00 fm  

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