torsdag, maj 22, 2008


Everything was very, very... black... then... even the hair...

... and how beautiful could the nature ever be... there were nothing stoping her... no... She was going to be the secretly and strange new artist... painting in bright colours... in a dark world of no nuances... writing haikus... so very deep and so very profound... what ever become of that girl... did she ever move to England... and become that wishfull lionheart she always wanted... needed... to be... no one will ever know...

... she has left the building...



Blogger sixfeetofconfusion said...

Beautiful photograph Maria...
Stunning absolutely stunning
The girl still paints in beautiful colours i've noticed.
Everywhere she goes something amazing is left where she's walked.

oooh the hair though..
black looks good on you...
any color would!
But the red...
oh god the red is it!

torsdag, maj 22, 2008 7:08:00 em  
Blogger Maria said...

Sixfeetofconfusion: Well, thank you... but I'll go with the red from now on... with a hint of blond in the fringe! I'm not that deep and profound anymore...

fredag, maj 23, 2008 10:50:00 fm  
Blogger stella sweden said...

Ja jisses..vad blir det av våra drömmar jag trooor att huvudsaken är att ha dom ändå kanske inte var rätt för nog tusan skulle jag velat vara på olika platser runt hela världen...vara en berömd målare som kunde leeva på min konst!
Men....än är det inte försent...
It´s never tooooo late! No!

fredag, maj 23, 2008 11:23:00 fm  
Blogger Maria said...

Stella: Ååååh... jaaa... det viktiga är att HA drömmar även om man vet att de aldrig kommer att slå in... det är inte "att göra något" som är det viktiga... det är "att tänka" som är det viktiga... sen att man gör något vid sidan om... och det gör vi ju ändå... det är alltid något som görs... under en längre period eller i all hast... livet i sig är ett mycket intressant projekt bara det...

Puss darling!

fredag, maj 23, 2008 11:35:00 fm  
Blogger Maria said...

... förresten... min högsta dröm är att äga ett slott i skottland... hur sann är den drömmen???

... ingen som vet... inte ens jag själv!

fredag, maj 23, 2008 11:36:00 fm  
Blogger sixfeetofconfusion said...

why did you call me that huh?...
hmmm. greg works or even two other words i'm called works also...
no not YGL! That's three!
Ha! you had better be laughing because i meant for it to happen.
I didn't know i thought that was the name of the blog not the blogger...hey i never call you dew drops...wait.. that sounds good! Yes for once i am going to disagree with can punch me in the shoulder some day for it.
Deep and profound you probably are i bet....who else writes the way you do...even in english the words you put together i can't come close to.
You don't know but when what you write translates for me the words come out to be something i haven't seen before!
And believe me they are better than perfect!
Yes with a hint of Blond in the fringe looks super!
Maria it doesn't matter you'll knock 'em out cold no matter what.
The picture...this one...there's more electricity running through you than the damn powerlines.
I apologize to all..
i cannot read swedish.....yet.
and i don't know if someone has already said this because the comments don't get translated auto.

fredag, maj 23, 2008 5:23:00 em  
Blogger Maria said...

Sixfeetofconfusion: I always writes what it says - so there, said it again!

lördag, maj 24, 2008 7:16:00 em  
Anonymous Anonym said...

well then... let's see if this does the trick...
so there!
please say it just once...

söndag, maj 25, 2008 9:37:00 fm  

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